Failte Solar

 DC overcurrent


1、The photovoltaic cluster voltage of the inverter is abnormal;

2、The arrangement of photovoltaic modules of the inverter is unreasonable, and there is shielding phenomenon;

3、Inverter DC terminal bad contact, virtual connection phenomenon.

4、The photovoltaic modules used on site were unqualified, and the DC input of the inverter was abnormal.

5、Bad DC input connection inside the inverter;

6、Internal booster circuit of inverter fails.


1、Remove the DC line of the inverter and measure the PV series voltage with the DC range of the multimeter respectively to see whether the voltage is abnormal;

2、 Remove the obstacles of the field shielding components, such as cutting and cutting branches;

3、Check the connection of inverter DC terminals and replace the terminals with bad contacts

4、It is recommended to replace or remove defective photovoltaic panels on site.

5、The DC connection inside the inverter is bad, so replace the DC connection terminal

6、If the DC booster circuit inside the inverter fails, speak to ter

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